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Revolutionizing Functional Healthcare with AI

Leverage AI to Optimize your patients wellness

Bridging the Gap in Healthcare with AI-driven Platform

At OptigenAI, we revolutionize healthcare by integrating AI with a constantly updated knowledge base, enabling the creation of personalized treatment protocols. Our platform analyzes patient data to identify underlying health issues, utilizing biohacking, supplements, and peptides to optimize outcomes. Designed for healthcare providers, OptigenAI delivers targeted, effective healthcare solutions.

AI-Driven Subject Analysis

Our AI-driven platform analyzes patient data, including gene expression, follicular tests, serum markers, and imaging to uncover deep insights into individual health profiles. Workup scripts are generated based on a root cause analysis to dive into the core of the problem.

Dynamic Knowledge Base

Our dynamic knowledge base feeding the AI is constantly updated with the latest in medical research and functional medicine innovations, ensuring treatments are grounded in the most current scientific evidence for optimal health outcomes.

Tailored Functional Treatment Protocols

Utilizing data from our comprehensive AI analysis, we develop tailored functional treatment protocols that focus on addressing the root cause rather than managing symptoms. This approach includes biohacking, supplements, peptides, and research compounds that aim to correct the underlying cause.

Pharma Integration

Our platform integrates with different suppliers to ensure healthcare providers have access to the latest treatment solutions. We ensure suppliers master list is specialized to each practitioner or practice facility. 

AI-driven Healthcare Optimization Platform

Our AI-driven healthcare optimization platform offers unprecedented velocity and impeccable reliability to healthcare providers. Our platform is designed to help healthcare providers optimize healthcare outcomes using the latest research findings and industry standards.

We Take Pride in our Metrics



faster workups


optimized Athletes

>50 PB

of data analyzed


research compounds


coming soon

FGT content

Optimize Your Healthcare Today

At OptigenAI, we are dedicated to helping healthcare providers optimize healthcare outcomes using AI-driven analysis. Contact us today to learn more about our platform and how we can help you optimize healthcare outcomes.

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